
What to Expect From Eyelid Surgery: Before, During, & After

Researching a procedure before surgery can feel like a daunting process. There’s a lot of information out there to take in all at once. Patients interested in blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) at our Baton Rouge practice are often new to the world of plastic surgery. They sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed and don’t know which questions to ask.

A woman looks in the mirror with delight after recovering from her eyelid surgery.

If you’re considering eyelid surgery and are unsure of what to expect, don’t worry—you’re not alone. This blog post will guide you through what you will experience before, during, and after this eye-opening procedure.

Before: The Consultation

Every plastic surgery journey begins with a personal consultation. During this one-on-one meeting, you will have a chance to talk about your ideal results and potential concerns. When it comes to eyelid surgery, we talk to our Baton Rouge patients about upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, and the different benefits of each. We always want patients to feel well-informed before making an important surgical decision.

Our staff may also suggest other procedures that could work well alongside eyelid surgery, such as a facelift or a brow lift. Your treatment plan will be customized to best suit your individual needs.

During: The Surgery

Our practice performs all eyelid surgery procedures on-site at our Baton Rouge plastic surgery center. Patients are given a local anesthetic with an oral sedative before the treatment begins.

Incisions are then made along the upper or lower eyelid, depending on your personal needs, and excess skin and fat are removed. This process can help reduce puffiness around the eyes, remove sagging skin, and help your eyes appear larger and more youthful. The surgery typically takes 45 minutes to 2 hours.

After: The Recovery

Although every patient is different, most people recover quickly after eyelid surgery. You should relax the first 2 to 3 days post-op and use an ice pack to reduce swelling. Sleep at an incline and avoid activities that may strain the eyes. Most patients feel comfortable returning to work and social events after 10 to 14 days.

For lower eyelid surgery, our dissolvable sutures leave no scarring and allow your eyes to appear naturally younger. Upper eyelid sutures can be removed after 5 to 7 days post-op.

This post is just a general overview of the eyelid surgery process. But by knowing what to expect, we hope our Baton Rouge patients feel more empowered to make the right decision for their lifestyles. If you decide that this procedure is right for you, choose an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon you can trust to create beautiful results.

Browse our eyelid surgery before-and-after pictures to see examples from real patients. If you want to learn more about your plastic surgery options in the Baton Rouge area, request a consultation online or call (225) 399-0001.


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