What You Need to Know About Vaginal Rejuvenation

vaginal-rejuvenation-300x200Vaginal rejuvenation typically involves vaginoplasty (“tightening of the vagina”) and reshaping of the vulva or labia (vulvaplasty, labiaplasty). This type of cosmetic surgery is becoming highly popular among women following childbirth, aging, significant weight loss, or injury to the genital area. For many women, vaginal rejuvenation leads to improved comfort and increased self-confidence.

When You Should Consider Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery

There are several reasons why you might want to consider this type of cosmetic surgery. Among these are:

  • When the shape of your vaginal structures has changed or become stretched as you age.
  • If you find yourself experiencing pain when riding a horse or bike, or during sexual activity.
  • When you start to lose feeling during sexual intercourse due to multiple deliveries.

Are You a Good Candidate for Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery?

In order to be considered a good candidate for vaginal rejuvenation surgery, you must be in good overall health, have realistic expectations of the outcome of the procedure, and have a good positive attitude. Among the many reasons why you might also be a good candidate for vaginoplasty are:

  • If you want a more refined, sleeker contour to your vulva and labia.
  • If you are suffering from discomfort resulting from scarring caused by previous surgeries.
  • The structures of your vagina sag or have become lax as a result of age, pregnancies, or significant weight loss.
  • You have urinary incontinence due to stress and plan to combine your “vagina lift” with another form of corrective surgery.

How Long Will the Results of Vaginal Rejuvenation Last?

Vaginal rejuvenation is intended to be a one-time procedure. The results of this type of surgery are intended to be permanent. However, you should be aware that pregnancy and any significant weight gain can affect the results. You should also plan to follow up with Dr. Weiler on a regular basis for a checkup or if you notice any changes occurring in your vagina.The best way to find out if you are a good candidate for vaginal rejuvenation and learn all about the procedure is to schedule a free initial consultation with Dr. Weiler.

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