
The Best Time to Get a Breast Augmentation

canstockphoto18961833-300x200One of the biggest decisions you need to make when planning to have a breast augmentation done is deciding on what time of year to have your surgery. There are many factors that go into make that decision, so there is not necessarily going to be a single simple answer. Important factors that must be accounted for is when it is easiest for you to get the time off, when will you be able to get help from family and friends, what plans do you have after you have healed from your surgery, and what the weather is like in your area of the country. You will need to weigh your options and decide for yourself what will work best for you since it will not be the same for every person, however many doctors recommend winter as the ideal time for surgery.

You Might Want to Avoid Having Breast Augmentation in the Summer

When weighing when to have your surgery, you may find it is easier to get time off in the summer, however this might be where the benefits end. Dr. Weiler points out to his clients that winter weather is much more comfortable than summer in Louisiana and that might make recovery a bit more bearable. Keep in mind also that if you want to be discreet about your breast augmentation that the ability to cover up in the winter will make it much easier to do so. Finally, because weather is not as nice, winter is a good time to just stay inside and heal from your surgery.

Want to Hit the Beaches this Summer?

Another reason why plastic surgeons encourage women to save their breast augmentation surgeries until winter is the desire to hit the beaches with their new look and it their bikinis. As much as it would be nice to think you could head out to the beach after your surgery, it will take some time for healing to occur and swelling to go down. Also remember that you won’t be able to swim for about six weeks so if you love to hang out at the beach it is best to get your surgery done early so you can make the most of it.

Planning Ahead

So if you have decided that winter really is the best time to have your breast augmentation done don’t wait until winter to call your doctor. There is a fair amount of work that needs to be done before your surgery can be scheduled and if your doctor is busy, as most cosmetic surgeons are in the winter, you want to make sure there is ample time to get your surgery scheduled at the time you want it.

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