

Before and after image of a male breast reduction procedure performed by Weiler Plastic Surgery on an actual patient

Our Top Male Breast Reduction Before & After Photos

As the stigma surrounding plastic surgery continues fading, more men are scheduling consultations with plastic surgeons for various reasons. For several years, one of the most popular procedures among males has been male breast reduction. New Orleans and Lafayette men often travel to our Baton Rouge-area locations to have gynecomastia surgery. Male breast reduction creates …

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Weiler Plastic Surgery Group

Dr. Weiler Discusses Solutions for Excess Breast Tissue in Males

Breast fat can be caused by a variety of reasons:A reaction to medicationsHormonal shiftsSteroid abuseRegularly smoking cannabisPubertySimply geneticsExcessive breast tissue on men can be both embarrassing and physically discomforting. It’s even commonly associated with derogatory descriptions such as “man boobs” or “moobs.”  A common misconception associated with this excess of tissue is that working out …

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Weiler Plastic Surgery Group

Gynecomastia Surgery Most Effective Male Breast Reduction Method

For gynecomastia – enlarged breast of the male chest – there seems to be only one proven effective method, which is gynecomastia surgery. Many physicians say that exercise alone cannot improve gynecomastia, and supplements claiming to help reduce enlarged breast are completely ineffective.  While exercise can reduce fatty tissue, it will not reduce glandular tissue, …

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