Surgical + Non-Surgical Options for Eye Rejuvenation

Are you familiar with all of the surgical and non-surgical options available for eye rejuvenation? Whether you’re looking for something surgical or a little less invasive, we’re educating you on the options for keeping the eyes looking and feeling youthful!


WHAT IS IT? Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the eyelids. Surgery can be performed on the upper lids, lower lids or both.

Whether you want to improve your appearance or are experiencing functional problems with your eyelids, eyelid surgery can rejuvenate the area surrounding your eyes.


Loose or sagging skin that creates folds or disturbs the natural contour of the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision

  • Fatty deposits that appear as puffiness in the eyelids
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Drooping lower eyelids that reveal white below the iris
  • Excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid


The incision for the upper blepharoplasty is made in the natural crease of the eyelid. This scar is very well hidden due to placement, and over time, becomes virtually invisible.* The incision for a lower blepharoplasty is made with a transconjunctival approach, meaning the incision is made on the inside of the lower lid, leaving no visible scarring.

RECOVERY:After eyelid surgery, you will have stitches in both lids that will remain for as long as a week. It is common to have swelling and, occasionally, bruising, but your eyelids should look normal within a week or two.

AVERAGE COST: $2,200-4,200



RF Infini Needle Radiofrequency is thermal lifting and collagen remodeling.  A safe and precise lifting procedure that improves “bags under the eyes”, wrinkles and drooping eyelids with minimum downtime.

With the Infini High-Intensity focused RF Microneedling, providers now have an unprecedented level of depth and energy level customization. What this means for patients is a fully customized penetration depth and RF energy level for each individual patient, maximizing the effectiveness on all patients, especially those with varying skin thicknesses, sun damaged skin, or different levels of pitting/scarring. This also allows for a “multi-layer” approach, affecting all layers of the skin with surgical precision.

Extensive medical testing and studies have been done that prove the effectiveness and discrete nature of treatment with Infini. The Microneedling RF process of Infini makes it a frontrunner in the industry, due to its ability to create new collagen and elastin in the lower layers of the skin, while leaving the superficial epidermis intact.

RECOVERY:Redness and some swelling the day of. Light bruising may occur. Makeup can be worn the next day and normal skincare routine can be continued.
Want to know more about RF Infini Needle Radiofrequency? Email our Aestheticians!  [email protected][email protected] or [email protected]

Botox for Crow’s Feet and filler in the tear troughs to prevent dark circles are a quick and easy way to keep those eyes looking fresh and fabulous!

AVERAGE COST: There are several options for tear trough injections and they range from $595-695.

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