
Options for a Double Chin

Dr. Jonathan Weiler discusses his recommendations for treating a double chin. Click the Youtube video to learn your options and the details about submental lipo.

Okay, Dr. Weiler, we know the pandemic’s over. Yes. However, virtual meetings are here to stay. They are. Whether we like it or not. Not going away. I know. So we’re still scrutinizing ourselves on that small screen. Screen, that screen. And particularly this area. Yes, yes. What can you do to help? So my first recommendation is move up that camera, right? Get that little view a little bit higher. You know that. Get a nice light. Exactly. I tell patients that really submental lipo, which is liposuction beneath the chin, with a skin tightening device is very effective these days. Okay. So a little lipo. And then what skin tightening device do you recommend? So we tell ladies, you come in, a little local anesthesia. We remove those fat cells, right? And then we come back with a device called J-Plasma by Renuvion. All right, what is that? And so what it does is, after we do the liposuction, same time, we go beneath the skin. Passes an electrical current. Now the difference with this device, the electrical current is heating but we inject helium beneath the skin at the same time. Helium? Yes. You’re taking me back to science. Yes I am. What’s the helium doing? So helium is a combustible gas. That gas ignites and creates almost like a blow torch effect. Okay. Sounds crazy but very, very safe. We reach a high temperature very quickly and then we cool down. That temperature causes a contracture of the skin. Okay. And that contracture of the skin leads to a nice jawline. Any downtime? So it is a surgical procedure. I do tell patients with this device, you may have a little bit more lumpy, bumpiness. But pays off, improves for a year and a half. Fantastic. It is an awesome device. Thanks, Dr. Weiler. You’re welcome. Screen time’s a whole new thing now. It is. It is.

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